Technische Ausstattung
The Neuro-Information Technology (NIT) department is equipped with optical measuring devices for the acquisition of 3-d and motion parameters. In particular, besides high speed camera systems, active and passive stereo and multi-camera sensors are available as well as suitable hardware for processing.
A key element for simulation of artificial neural networks and simulations is the Beowulf computer cluster, which also receives requests beyond the NIT department. A current list of available hardware and software at the NIT department is the following:
Bildergalerie (8 Bilder)
- Deep-Learning computer
- Spherical camera system
- Stereo camera systems with hardware processing
- Time of flight camera system
- Infrared camera & multispectral-camera
- Active vision scanner with flash bulb
- Software for camera calibration, ANNs, numerical computations and simulations
- Lab for human-robot-collaboration (mobile & stationary)
- Lab for human-computer interaction with a multi-sensor system (SFB-TRR62)
- Multi-robot system
- Set-up for pain analysis with multi-camera system and Nexus biodata gathering
- Mobile assistance system with augmented reality (AR)
- Setup for non-intrusive vital-parameter analysis with multispectral cameras